Are you receiving an error message when attempting to claim your funds?
Most of the time, the process to claim your funds is easily completed without issues. Occasionally though, you may run into an error message while attempting to claim your funds. Most often, when this occurs, your device will display one of these error messages illustrating the unsuccessful claim.
Invalid Banking Information
Providing an invalid Routing or Account number can cause the error message below to be shown. It should also prevent you from completing the claim process, so you can double-check the information you are attempting to utilize. It would be best to ensure that the numbers entered here are accurate to prevent transaction issues and delays in securing payment.
There are a few options if you're still encountering the same error after following these steps. There may be a temporary connection issue. You can wait a bit and try again to see if the issue resolves itself. You can also attempt a different disbursement method should your institution have more enabled.
Post Success Failed Claim
It is also possible to complete the claim process and not receive an error message, but after the transaction has had some processing time, it can fail due to an interruption or bank issues. When that happens, your application may update to reflect the failed transaction status.
Paper Check Payment Validation
The quickest solution for the funds to be verified is via bank to bank communication. Check payments are issued on behalf of us, by our banking institution:JPMorgan Chase. Bank representatives can use the support number 1(800)935-9935 to contact them should they need to verify a payment.