Prefer to procure your funds using an Akimbo Now Virtual Prepaid Card? Here's how!
Note: The payment methods available for each program need to be enabled by the institution.
1. When the applicant is approved for funding, they will receive an email notification and their application portal will update to notify them to begin the claim process.
2. When the applicant starts the claim funds process, they will encounter a screen that displays the various disbursement options available.
3. Selecting the radio button next to “Virtual Prepaid Card” and clicking the blue “Continue” button allows the applicant to begin the Virtual Prepaid Card claim process.
4. Now, the applicant will need to provide their mailing address for the Virtual Prepaid Card shipment.
Note: A mailing address is required for the virtual prepaid card to make online purchases.
5. Before the order is complete, the applicant will be prompted to review the submitted mailing address for confirmation. We will use the account email address for the Virtual prepaid card account creation.
6. Now, the applicant will receive an email from Akimbo Card. The email will include a link that directs them to create an Usio account to activate the virtual card.
Visit the Claim Troubleshooting article for more support. Also, for more information on the Prepaid Cards, please visit the Prepaid Card FAQ.